Thursday, September 07, 2006


Two weeks ago, I left Tamale fro Accra to see a doctor about an abdominal pain. What ensued over the next two weeks will take a little while to recount, but it led to a stay in the hospital that some of you have heard about (I have gotten calls from Texas, Toronto, B.C., Germany and all around Ghana). Word spreads. I will be brief here and let you all know that I am feeling much better. I am staying with the Ackerson's for the week while I recover.

The condition they said was a combination of malaria and typhoid fever. At this point, I am just sleeping a lot and eating a lot, and taking the medication they have prescibed. After a week of recovery, I plan to see a doctor again and I hope to do some work in Accra. If everything goes well, I plan to head back to Tamale. The other option is to work in Accra (which a lot of peopel are recommmending). I would like that, but it also makes me very sad to think of not working with and living with my peoples in Tamale. God knows what's best, so I am praying and resting.

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