Monday, October 23, 2006


It is Monday afternoon and I am in Accra. If I wrote this post 15 minutes ago, it might have been titled, "Where in the world is Pastor James".

To give some background, I lost my bank card last week. Thankfully, I knew that Pastor James was coming from Toronto to Accra on October 21st (my birthday). I made arrangements for my parents to bring him my bank card so that he could bring it here, cutting what would have taken up to 5 weeks down to 5 days.

My problem was that I have not heard from Pastor James who has my phone number. I was getting concerned as I am waiting to hear from him before I can buy my ticket to get back to work in Tamale. A few minutes ago, I got a text from my brother who had information that my Mom dug up that he is at the Golden Tulip Hotel (which is really nice actually) and will be there at 7pm, now I know where in the world Pastor James is.

I just hope that he brought my bank card as I was made aware that my family sent a package with him that was bigger than a bank card. Apparently, he called on Saturday (the day he was travelling) and left a message; like I said, I hope he brought it with him.

Aside from a little congestion in my chest from a weekend that lacked enough rest, I am doing well. For the first time in my life I spent my birthday abroad. What was supposed to be a dinner and desert with five guests turned into a jam of about twenty or so. Micheal got his first DJ'ing job and played a mixture of Reggea (more like Sean Paul's greatest hits) and whole lot of Hip Life. It was fun, but I did not go to the after party at a local club, and opted for sleeping.

I have to give it up to Mama Ackerson who made me feel SO loved after cooking a great meal all day in the kitchen. Her brief appearance on the dance floor was definately a highlight.

The next day, after church, I headed out to lunch with Elikem who I met on the plane to Accra. We headed west of Accra to a beautiful area where he owns a beach house. We had lunch at Big Millie's and walked along the shore. Everytime I go to a place like that I become overwhelmed with gratefullness and feel so incredibly blessed. I was actually wondering - a real question - does heaven have oceans and beaches? Really, I wonder...

With my time at the internet cafe running out and an important visit to the Golden Tulip pending (plus my lunch of fufu still waiting for me), I have to be brief.

There is so much that I have to share I have to share, and I pray that I get the time to do so soon. For now, Lord of War is a movie to check out (though the content is kind of heavy), Sudoko puzzles are my new thing (Kary put me on to them), and I am so happy to be 27.

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes and calls.

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