Saturday, October 21, 2006


This morning I woke up to a fourth floor view of the sun rising over the coastline. The expanse of green had a mist hovering above it that was reflecting the sunshine that would eventually melt it. I looked out the window, alone in the room, and spoke to God more directly than I usually do.

I just gave thanks: for all the moments I have had in my years, for all that I've seen, all that I've been saved from. Very few people, if anyone, know the whole story - I think most people would be suprised at it all. In giving thanks for it all, I was buzzing with a sense of gratefullness.

While looking gazing out the window, I also made a request in prayer: All I really want to do is to fulfill what I have been designed for: I want to be able to support my family and accomplish all that I have been given to do (which I can feel will have a global impact).

I am wealthy with love and faith. The greatest personal treasures that I have in my life is that God has developed me into a man of faith and everywhere I go, I can feel the abundance of love that I have. There are so many people that genuinely love me, and I feel it where ever I go. I also walk with a heart full of love; most people would be suprised at how often they come across my mind, heart and prayers.

On my birthday, I often feel a lot of strong emotions stirring in my heart. I reflect and everything feels quite amplified. So much stirs in my heart. I also find that I usually find a good portion of the day in solitude.

This evening, I will do what I always do for my birthday, which is to gather the closest people to me (as many of them as I can) and get together to eat. This year, most of those people are across the ocean, but I am grateful for the circle of friends that will be getting together today for some dinner and desert at the Ackerson house.

So I am celebrating 27 years that I have been given, leading up to this moment. For me, it is more of a celebration of the plethora of blessings (primary among which is the people I celebrate with and this life).

I am alive. I am in Africa. I am talented and gifted. I am loved. I love who I am. I have the chance to be who I am designed to be. In this wonderful life, in this incredible universe, on this remarkable planet, in this mysterious existence, I am alive.

1 comment:

naisha walton said...



you are so blessed!