Monday, July 24, 2006


Our arrival off of the airplane is a strong memory for me. From the airport where I left an entourage of loved ones (Chin, G, Rifa and the Samuels, Karyl, Sho and JoJo) until landing on the runway in Accra, it was a gradual feeling of it all sinking in and becoming more real. Stepping out of the plan straight into the humid evening air made it real. It was an exciting feeling. Walking through the airport and gathering our luggage was a mixture of feeling incredibly comfortable and trying to stay aware, while discerning what of the things that we were told (from training, friends, and random pieces of input) are true and what was to be left at the airport.

Shortly after collecting our things, we were escorted into a a van and a car and brought to the JHR house. While it was night, this is what we saw when the drivers came to a halt:

This is the driveway (it's the red one on the right)

This is the gate that is never locked and has a security guard that I don't think I saw; I did see a couple of people from time to time, but I they might have been working in the office on the grounds.

This is the actual house...I like it.

This is the view from the balcony which was outside of the room I was sharing with Matthew.

This is the view the other way off of the balcony, and a glimpse of the area. It is a diverse spot. In the direction that this view is facing, their is an area called Kuku Hill. It an area that is made up of a lot of rooms, tin roof structures, and compounds put together. If you go in the opposite direction, you come across an area that is very nice; it has a few art studios and some well planned homes inter-mixed with greenery. Not far from us is a main street called Oxford that has some western spots, a lot of market sellers, and is just busy most of the day and night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.