Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The boys down the block posing for a photo.

Bojo beach on my last day at the ocean.

Independence arch (J.J. Rawlings flw a jet through that arch after one of the coups)

At Orgle Road with Bella,Thelma and Bella's neice.

T-Block...home sweet home.

Up in Cambridge; it lives up to the rep.

A towering tree in Ghana!

A drive through Enfield Town.

50th anniversary celebrations: the red, the gold and the green - and so many Black Stars.

The prayer and intercessory team at Ridge Church: big things for you all!

Nuri-Haque and I at the beach...Miss you Bro.

Chillin' at the beach with my homeboy Nuru aka Nuri-Haque aka Bush Doctor

The inner court of Kings College at Cambridge...looks warmer than it really is.

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